Photo pf a woman on the floor looking at her laptop and thinking.
Embrace Your Uniqueness

How to Create More Original Work

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Do you follow a lot of other entrepreneurs in your industry to see what they’re doing?

If yes, WHY?

No really, think about it for a minute. 

There are absolutely times when it can be helpful to look at someone else’s business and kind of dissect what they’re doing successfully and how they’re doing it. 


Most of the time, when you look at everyone else, it’s because you’re afraid you’re missing out on something important or doing it wrong. 

You don’t trust your own instincts, ideas, or creativity. And you become out of alignment with yourself because you think you should do things like someone else.

Truly, it’s harder to be original. 

Trusting my own ideas and creativity is something I have to regularly work on. But the work that comes out of these moments is what I’m most proud of. 

Lessen your input. Unfollow. Spend time with your thoughts. Ask yourself for advice before you ask someone else. Begin to trust yourself. 

This is how you can create more original work and become a thought leader in your niche.

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