Goals & Habits

Accountability Coaching FAQs: Cost, Uses, Benefits, and More!

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After years of working as an entrepreneur, creator, and coach, I know one thing: Most people need an accountability coach! (And most people have never heard of accountability coaching.)

My guess is you don’t suffer from a lack of information. You suffer from a lack of action. 

Whether you want to lose weight, write a book, learn a second language, or grow a business, you don’t need more knowledge. You’ve read the books, bought the courses, and Google-searched for answers. But none of that matters if you don’t take consistent action. 

[Enter the accountability coach.] 

What does an accountability coach do?

An accountability coach creates “external expectation” for you. Usually, when you’re struggling to reach a goal or build a healthy habit, this thing you’re trying to accomplish is for you. It’s an “internal expectation” that you have for yourself. 

Most humans are great at showing up for others and not so great at showing up for themselves. If you can transform your internal expectations into external expectations (by working with an accountability coach!) you are much more likely to reach your goals. 

A study by the American Society for Training and Development found that regular check-ins with an accountability partner can increase your chance of success by up to 95%. That is a MASSIVE success rate! 

I can’t speak for other accountability coaches, but my accountability coaching package includes:

  • Goal clarification and mindset work during a kick-off call
  • Daily text check-ins to witness your actions, not just your results (super important)
  • Strategy calls every other week to make adjustments based on what’s working and what’s not.  

Who should hire an accountability coach? 

Most people can benefit from accountability. Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies framework divides people based on their reactions to internal and external expectations. 

The Rebel tendency (which makes up the smallest part of the population) is the only one that will likely not respond well to accountability coaching. You can take the Four Tendencies quiz to find out your tendency. 

In general, if you never miss a deadline for your clients, have no problem exercising when you’re part of a sports team, or struggle to take time for yourself, you’ll benefit from accountability coaching. 

Examples of when to hire an accountability coach:

Accountability coaching can be helpful in many areas: career growth, entrepreneurship fitness, nutrition, weight loss, digital detoxing, writing a book, learning a language, and any other goal setting or New Year’s Resolution! 

Here are some common goals you might want to accomplish with the support of an accountability coach: 

  • Exercise regularly
  • Declutter your house
  • Get engaged with your local community
  • Build an online business
  • Eat healthier
  • Complete a first draft of your book
  • Ditch social media
  • Grow your email list
  • Learn a second language

How can accountability coaching help me reach my goals?

You might think that accountability is just about checking in with someone when you are supposed to have reached your goals. The key is actually in witnessing each individual action that leads to accomplishing a goal or building a healthy habit. 

An accountability coach will check in with you regularly to make sure you’re taking action. They will also provide support if you’re struggling. This might be through mindset coaching, coming up with creative strategies you can use, or helping you prioritize your schedule. 

How much does an accountability coach cost?

It depends! Costs can vary greatly based on the length of time and whether you’re working one-on-one or through a group accountability coaching program. I’ve seen investments range from a few hundred dollars to over $1,000 per month. 

You can find my current investment amount for one-on-one accountability coaching HERE

Do accountability coaches offer online sessions?

Yes! Accountability coaching can easily be done virtually. I have worked with clients all over the world. All you need is the ability to text (via WhatsApp or Voxer) and take Zoom calls. 

What should I expect in my first session with an accountability coach?

During my kick-off calls with one-on-one accountability coaching clients, we dive deep into:

  • Goal clarity (Your goals aren’t as clear as you think!)
  • Anticipating obstacles
  • Mindset shifts for success
  • Prioritization and scheduling
  • Expectations for daily text check-ins

These calls are a lot of fun as we get you set up for success! 

Can my friend or partner help me with accountability?

Probably not. The people closest to us are unlikely to hold us accountable in an effective way. They forget to check in or let you off the hook too easily. 

Also, you may not view them as an external source of accountability, which is necessary for an accountability system to work. 

A coach asking you if you’ve exercised today feels different than your partner asking, right? 

Can an app help me with accountability?

Not effectively! 

The best an app can do is create a “schedule, cue, celebrate” routine. You’ve probably seen this happen. A language-learning app will ask you to schedule your next session, cue you that it’s time to start with a phone notification, and then celebrate your actions with digital confetti. Yes, this can be helpful. But how often have you ignored those notifications?

The most powerful form of accountability will always be human-to-human. Nothing can replicate having a real person checking on you, celebrating your progress, encouraging you on tough days, and witnessing your actions. 

Is accountability coaching worth it?

How long have you been thinking about building a business, losing weight, writing a book, learning Spanish, decluttering your house, or spending less time on your phone? 

For how many years have you made the same New Year’s Resolution, only to give up by February?

Only you can decide if working with an accountability coach is “worth it,” but it might just be the missing piece to you finally accomplishing your goals. 

Get started with accountability coaching HERE. 

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Accountability Coaching

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The solution is crazy-simple.

You just need accountability! 

Research shows that regular check-ins with an accountability partner can increase your chance of success by up to 95%. That’s HUGE.

(BTW, your bestie or spouse rarely makes effective accountability partners. It’s a bummer, but helpful to know.)

It can feel frustrating, but living the life you want requires support. Instead of questioning why or struggling against human nature, why not lean into it?

You’ll finally be able to reach that goal or build that habit you’ve been thinking about for ages.

So where does one find an accountability partner?

Hey, girl, hey! 

I’m Christine Lynn.

✔ Certified coach with over 3 years of experience.

✔ Dog mama.

✔ Book nerd.

✔ Novice gardener.

✔ Strawberry shortcake lover. (The food, not the character–though I have nothing against her.)

Christine Lynn, Accountability Coach

Featured On:

What Do You Want To Accomplish?

Whether it’s a short–term goal or creating a life-long habit, I’m here to support you! 

Ready to see how much your life can transform in just 8 weeks?

Here’s How It Works:

What Will You Get Out Of Accountability Coaching?

Light bulb line drawing symbolizing strategy support included in accountability coaching


Together, we will create an action plan that includes how to handle the inevitable bumps in the road so you keep making progress.

Pinky promise drawing symbolizing support support included in accountability coaching


I'm here to encourage you, celebrate wins with you, and help you through the tough moments.


I'll coach you through how to transform your thoughts so that they serve you better and reduce any resistance you experience.

Target and arrow line drawing symbolizing strategy fulfillment that occurs with accountability coaching


Along with the benefits of making progress toward your goals, you'll experience the fulfillment that comes from leading a more intentional life!

The 8-Week Accountability Program Includes:

Total investment = $449, divided into 2 payments of $224.50 each

🍂Fall Fresh Start Sale! 15% off for a limited time.🍂

Sale investment: $381.65, divided into 2 payments of $190.83/month

I’m in!

Check out now and get started.

Click the button below to check out and schedule your Kick-Off Call!

Can we chat?

If you’re not sure if accountability coaching is right for you, book a free 15-minute call so we can get to know each other and I can answer any questions you have.

Here’s the thing:

Humans cannot sustain actions through negativity for long periods. Taking action with positivity, encouragement, and support becomes addictive and sustainable.

My accountability coaching method does not require justifications or include “tough love” or negative consequences.

We will always celebrate your efforts and figure out new methods if what you’re trying isn’t working. 

You can certainly try, but it’s rare for this to work. The people closest to us are unlikely to hold us accountable in an effective way. Also, you may not view them as an external source of accountability, which is necessary for an accountability system to work. 

Absolutely. We take things in 8-week periods because it helps with goal clarity and prioritization. As soon as you’re done with your 8-week program, you’re welcome to sign up for another to continue with the same goal/habit or to work on a different one.  

© Christine Lynn Coaching