Photo of sparklers fireworks against a dark purple background
My Experimental Year

My Experimental Year: 2024

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I’m embarking on a year-long project that I’ve been pondering for many months. 

I’m calling it My Experimental Year

Every month in 2024, I’ll be choosing an activity to do daily to see how it adds (or doesn’t) to my life.

Many of these experiments have to do with a fantasy version of myself. I feel like I would be a better person or more interesting or more actualized/fulfilled if I did these things.

But is it actually true? It’s time to officially find out.

If yes, then maybe these actions become part of my regular routine. If no, maybe it’s time to release my imaginings of what would make my life better. 

Monthly Experiment Ideas:

I don’t have each month planned out yet, but some of the ideas I’m pondering include:

  • Painting or drawing daily.
  • Engaging in my husband’s hobbies with him daily. 
  • Doing my hair and makeup every day. 
  • Walking 8,000 steps daily. 
  • Wearing dresses every day. 
  • Eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies each day.
  • Going through some sort of manifestation routine every morning. 
  • Calling a friend or family member every day.
  • Doing yard work every day to bring my dream backyard vision to life.   
  • Taking photos and videos of daily life. 

I also pondered a month of no TV, but at the moment I’m thinking that with the exception of engaging in my husband’s hobbies (a.k.a. playing video games with him), I’ll naturally watch TV to make room for the experimental activities. 

In true experimental fashion, I’m planning to create my hypothesis for each month (a.k.a. what I think the activity will add to my life), track the “data” daily through journaling, and then evaluate the result at the end of the month. 

Stay tuned for blog posts, Instagram Stories, emails, etc about the project as 2024 progresses. 

My Experimental Year Updates:

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