Photo of a solopreneur woman napping on a couch
Solopreneur Productivity

How to Conserve Energy as a Solopreneur

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As a solopreneur, “energy conservation” is always on my mind. There’s only one of me and my energy is limited.

Honestly, I consider myself a fairly low-energy kind of person. I get tired quickly. I need lots of naps. Other entrepreneurs could run circles around me! So obviously, I want to make the most of my energy when it comes to work!

The #1 Way to Conserve Energy as a Solopreneur

The best way I’ve found to conserve energy as an entrepreneur or solopreneur is to do a little audit to make sure that you are making the most of what you have already done and are already doing.

In fact, I recommend doing this little kind of audit before you embark on any new project.

If you are already writing blog posts, make the most of them. Post them regularly on Pinterest. Use bits and pieces of them to turn them into social media posts. Use the copy in your email and newsletters.

See what I mean?

I recently taught one of my clients a Pinterest strategy that she could use so that she could make the most of the blog posts and YouTube videos that she was already writing before she embarked on the new project of running Facebook ads.

Will she eventually run Facebook ads? Probably. And that’s great! But before spending energy on something new, you can conserve energy as a solopreneur by making the most of what you’ve already got.

This often means cross-posting on various platforms or taking your base content and transforming it into different mediums.

In fact, this blog post that you’re reading right now started out as an Instagram Reel. I’ve taken the transcript, added to it, and now it is a blog post that I can create pins for to drive traffic from Pinterest. I can also share it with my email list.

Making the most of what you’ve already got takes a lot less time and energy than embarking on a brand-new project. It also capitalizes on what’s already working for you!

👉Leave a comment and let me know how you could make the most of what you’re already doing!

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